Some studies currently running on formr.
Fancy interactive feedback using htmlwidgets
Try the various items that you can use in your studies.
A demonstration of a small survey on different payment methods with fancy feedback (in German, but there's lots of pictures :-).
Wie zufrieden bist du mit Bereichen deines Lebens? Finde es raus in dem du exakt diese Frage selbst beantwortest!
Please take this survey if you participated in the R for Psychology Workshop at #SIPS2019.
Pesquisa “Dependência Emocional e Fatores Socioculturais”, de responsabilidade de Rodolfo Vilela Neves, estudante de mestrado em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG).
Und wie erholen Sie sich? Eine Studie zu Vitalität der Uni Rostock.
Curious about how your personality, emotions and behaviours vary across your menstrual cycle? This study is part of a movement to better understand how the menstrual cycle influences our psychology, health and wellbeing. If you decide to take part in this study, you would receive 30 x 5-minute daily emails for 45 days, linking you to an online survey. Each survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete and you can complete as many or as few daily surveys as you like. The surveys ask a range of questions about your emotions, thoughts, health and behaviour each day. At the end of 45 days, you would receive personalised feedback showing how these changed for you across your menstrual cycle.
Eine kleine explorative Studie über Konflikte im Familienalltag.
Tbis is the survey accompanying the tutorial at